Art Car Royal Can-you for sale


Fellow builder Greg Barron from Rideable Bicycle Replicas is getting ready to build a half scale size Frigate or Brigantine, a fully functional square rigged sailing vessel for next year and needs to clear out his present creation to make room and raise some money.  Greg  wanted to see if  he could make an art car sail since the La Contessa didn’t, nice concept but no functionality as a sailing vessel. It irritated him. The canoe concept was pretty basic and easy and it does sail under wind power alone, quite well in fact. The Can-you hit 16 mph this year up at the BR Yacht Club in a stiff breeze. New speed record and 9 people on deck too. Go sail a reach in silence and then bring it about, fire up the engine and motor back upwind. Repeat. Plus it’s nice to take  on a sunset sail. Can’t wait to see his new vessel and take a ride.


Contact Greg for more information if your interesting in buying the Royal Can-you

Greg Barron
Rideable Bicycle Replicas
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