Boiler Bar Theater

This post was written by Form & Reform on December 18, 2007
Posted Under: Boiler Bar and Theater


 Justian and I are working the new backdrop to the small stage we are going to add to the Boiler Bar


Justian chalks in the lettering using a over head projector and starts to fill in the shadows.


With the letters now filled in I start to put a base coat down for the boiler bar sign and corners of the pendant.


Justian puts the finishing touches on the shadow of the lettering and I grab a scotch to admire our progress.


Now the Boiler Bar medallion gets painted and I begin the curtain shadows.

The next few hours are spent adding the touches that give it depth.


3:30am and we are beat. Everything is really coming together and standing in front you feel like your looking at a real stage. Justian did a great job! I learned a lot working with him on this and look forward to more banner projects. It amazed me how simple and loose the details could be, but together the layers make it look so complicated when we were done.

Next I have to add the fringe back, clean up a few lines, and begin the aging process to make it look old. Again my thanks goes out to Justian for teaching me the tricks of the trade and all his hours of work.

Reader Comments

That’s great! 🙂 Happy holidays!

Written By Laura C on December 26th, 2007 @ 10:35 am
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