California Blacksmith Association April 23-26 in Petaluma


The CBA is a wonderful organization that shares the tradition of blacksmithing. It’s not often we get to have it so close to the Bay Area. If you have interest in starting, or want to learn more this is the event for you. This group will share everything they know and teaching stations will be setup everyday of the event.

I will be there with the Snail Art Car the Golden Mean


CBA Spring Conference


Claudio Bottero, Piombino-Dese, Italy
Jadran and Martino Stenico, Rome, Italy
Eric Clausen, Oakland, California
Toni Standteiner, Truckee, California
Jill Turman, Alameda, California
Andrew Kyte, Berkeley, California

Thermite Mushroom Cloud

Thermite Bomb


Video of it going off.

My friend Fritz sent me this video of a thermite reaction he set off. He put gunpowder in the bottom of the pipe, then packed the top with thermite.

jon sarriugarte's items Go to jon sarriugarte's photostream