After a very early morning photo shoot of the snail, while trying to find someone who was serving pancakes, Lisa and I are approached by a guy on a Segway wondering if we have 110v power on board the snail. He asked if it could run a vacuum cleaner and would we like a ride in his helicopter. I stepped out of the car to make sure I understood his request and quickly said yes. I followed him back to his camp to pick up gear, friends and our tip…

While they were loading, a couple of clean guys got in wearing Enron shirts and tossed in this neatly stacked $50,000 bundle of cash! I grabbed it and thanked them for our tip. They laughed, took our picture and then showed us the center was all ones.

I stopped by camp to pick Kyrsten up (took a slick tongue to get her out of bed that early) and 20 min later we are vacuum cleaned and seat belted in.

Paul, the guy who stopped us, and the snail in our prop wash.

These guys brought out a plane too. Here it is after they crashed it a few days before. As we head straight at the side of Trego mountain and pull up just in time to barely make it over the top, we are starting to wonder if we should have said yes to this ride. I found out after the ride that Lisa is terrified of flying!

One of the interesting things I saw from the air was the large dune we kept hitting riding the snail around that week. You can clearly see it in this picture as a dark fuzzy line running from the bottom left, though the camps, twords Trego mountain (looks like a road). Turns out this is where last years trash fence was! I took a look at aerial shots (see below) once I got home and you can see many years of scars left from having the event out there. I think this is a great event, but I wish there was a more open dialog with burners and BM about the damage being done. The combination of lack of rain and years of BM is why this years event was so dusty. This event leaves a huge trace, what are the real impacts on this area and how long will the desert take to recover?
Goggle map link

What a ride! Thanks Paul and crew!
More pictures

This show looks so good that I’ve decided to break my promise to never do another trade show. The Acre show is April 26-28 at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
I’m really excited to see all my old wholesale customers and meet new ones!

One of the many things I do is run a furniture company called Form & Reform. I started it in 1987 after I moved out here from Idaho. I had experience in metal work from high school and learned blacksmithing though the California Blacksmith Association. I’ve really enjoyed all the years of running this business and the experience it has brought. I now can’t help myself to make a smooth to the touch edge on everything I make even if I know no one will ever touch it.
ZIG ZAG Picture Book Shelf

Gumps commissioned me to make them a shelf to hold large picture books! It’s been a great project and they are wonderful to work with. This project involved both the technical challenge of a seemingly unsupported zig zag and a purposed design that is not an everyday need. With the wonderful patina we added, it will make a beautiful sculpture and show off any art books uniquely. I can see my favorite turn of the century tool book on top opened to the page of a Horizontal Drill Press with the operator wearing a tie and bowler hat!
Want one for your home, give me a call.

The Sputnik Fire Garden. A satellite you’ll want to orbit around on chilly nights.
These are made from recycled Halon spheres from ship board fire fighting systems. I added my Hand forged Pan legs and a rail to kick your feet on.
These Gardens are setup to run on propane and can also be setup to run natural gas. Shown here on the highest setting (yellow flame) they can also be turned down to a flickering blue flame. With a set of my hand forged tools you can write in the sand and make amazing fire art. It’s both warm and entertaining!
Contact me if you’d like to own one for your own yard.
Rentals are avalible for these, the Boiler Bar, and Stage for events and parties.
These are new works I made for the Valentines party sale last weekend. I really had fun playing in the shop. These days it’s a rarity for me and very wellcome. The Valentines Party was great fun (sorry I didn’t take a single picture) and I sold several pieces!
Please contact me if your interested in a piece.

Flaming Heart 18 x 24″ $700 sold (call if you want me to make one)

Sputnik Fire Garden 22″ bowl $1100

Touchier 60″ $1100

Catholic Heater 60″ $1100
We had our first show last week and boy was it fun. Everyone seem to love our tongue in cheek turn of the century oil town bar. The girls were amazing and really warmed the place despite the cold wind from outside.
The Boiler Bar Dancers

Boiler Bar in action

I brought out 7 of my Zen Fire Gardens. The biggest attraction was the heat they gave off (it was cold), but once near the warmth they then discovered how fun they are to play with and watch.
Contact Jon for sales and rental information

The Circassian Beauties


Gibson Pearl


Holly Volatile
Jon Sarriugarte
I want to thank: Christopher Schardt for sound, Christopher Brooks for fire safety, Rich Sciortino, Katherine Summer for costumes, the Crucible and staff, and lastly the dancers for all their hard work both on stage and off.
Posted Under:
Boiler Bar and Theater
This post was written by Jon on January 21, 2008
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The Crucible is hosting the Hot Couture fashion show this Jan 17th, 18th, 19th with a blazing showcase of wearable art from Bay Area designers, awe-inspiring fire performances, aerial artistry, fire arts demonstrations, and myself as the featured fire artist along with the Boiler Bar Theater performers.

I’ll have several of my Zen fire gardens to play with all 3 nights. In addition to keeping everyone warm, these interactive works are fun to play with. I’ll provide tools that you can draw designs in the sand and watch fire fill the voids. It’s mesmerizing to watch.

The Boiler Bar

Belly Dancing
We took inspiration from the 1920’s Oil rush to create the Boiler Bar and Boiler Bar Theater.
The bar is riveted top to bottom and topped with a fire show that for a tip will get you a 8 foot fire ball from the bar tender.
I have created 4 Zen Fire Gardens that will amaze a sober patron and wow the eyes.
While enjoying the warmth of our fire and the comfort of a drink you can take in the sights of exotic belly dancers, fire performers, and readings from the biggest little stage, at the “Boiler Bar Theater”.
Jon Sarriugarte (Fire Art)
Jon Sarriugarte, Rich Sciortino (Boiler Bar)
Gibson Pearl
Holly Volatilee