Zolander has landed!

Mission to Earth

For the next 7 years the Zolander landing craft will be exploring the remote eastern edge of the SF bay on the western coast of the American continent on a plant know as Earth. This mission will not only determine the surrounding geology, but will be the final interaction the craft will have with the local population. It will truly test the engineers design and the future of humanity.

Big thanks to all who helped and especially Shannon with the forklift.

Check out Shannon’s Neverwas Haul a giant Victorian House on wheels!

We are so glad to have such a great place for our daughter to play and learn. Thank you APS community!

More pictures

The Incredible San Fancisco Artists’ Soapbox Derby, 1975

The Incredible San Fancisco Artists’ Soapbox Derby, 1975. from Mike Haeg on Vimeo.

I love the cop on horse at the begining of the race. SF arrest people at these events now. Need to find a suitable hill in Oakland!

David Letterman -$25,000 Cupcake

Lisa Pongrace’s

Cupcake car was on David Letterman last night. Looks like Greg & Keith have a bit of repair work to do now!

Turkey Shoot it’s over!

West Oakie Turkey Shoot 2009


I saw big kids and small alike shooten for their bird! Man was fresh deep-fried turkey good!

I really want to thank everyone who worked, played, danced, sang, burned, talked, drank, and saw me smile. It was quite the night as these pictures show.

Please send me your links!

Will’s pictures

Karen’s pictures

Liisa’s pictures

Kevin’s pictures

Rick’s Pictures



Whiskey, gun, and a red neck…thanks Che!


Ahhhh the Porch! it transform the parking lot into another place that was not West Oakland. Here it is with the The Easy Leaves making our feet tap!


Jodi lighting a cigarette to the sounds of JD’s banjo.

I watched and enjoyed EL RADIO FANTASTIQUE, Mykee Ramen and the Boiler Bar performers and was sorry I didn’t have my camera to capture what wonderful things were happening on our very little Boiler Bar stage.


And to top it all off CHP finally made it to the party a few hours after sunrise to take a turn at shooting the fire.

Jon’s Pictures

Cupcakes Car for sale at Neiman Marcus

Neiman Marcus has their new “Christmas Book” catalog out and the over the top gift this year is my friends cup cakes cars. All the money spent on these goes to the artist! Tell all your friends!

Update: Electric cupcakes will be featured on the Today Show, Oct 14th 2009. Not sure what time, but they will be in Rockefeller Plaza.

Surreal video form the Today show


Keith Greg and Lisa take a ride in colorful Berkeley


Put on your matching hat, slip under the muffin top of your Cupcake Car, and let the world figure itself out for awhile. Get (or give) the sheer, joyful chaos of a gift that is mind-blowing, triple-dog-dare, double-infinity forever cool. Make the kids or grandkids literally squeal with joy. Bring it to work and buzz the breakroom. Crash parades! Putter about the ‘hood. Ever had a crowd of kids chasing after you just for the crazy gleeful heck of it? (No worries, the top speed is a comfy-safe 7 mph.) What’s it made of? A 24-volt electric motor, a heavy-duty battery, sheet metal, wire, fabric, wood…and mad genius. Launched at Burning Man as a cooperative art car project, the Cupcake Car sprang from the fevered mind of Bay Area artist Lisa Pongrace and her less-rules-more-laughs posse of artists and techno geeks. Yours will be tricked out with your favorite topping, so start thinking flavors.

Call 1.877.9NM.GIFT for details.
Customized Cupcake Car
Price $25,000.00

HandCar Regatta Fun!

What a wonderful day we had in the hot summer sun playing with our favorite friends on the Front Porch. Plenty of Maple syrup and home made ginger beer with cookies right from the oven…Yum! And All the while great bands were keeping our toes tapping.

More pictures here

Unnecessary Umlaut


These girls played dress up with the Electrobite!


Steve and his gun


Christopher and Tansy in the summer sun watching March 4th play on the bridge


Kyrsten (Denzel) works her magic dancing on Glassdsc_0846

Weenr Car spotted in West Oakland

Zolie and I spotted the Oscar Mayer Weenr car from the freeway after work last night and circled back to take some pictures.

More pictures here


Great details all over the car and one of my favorites was the windshield wipers. Probably because I don’t have a windshield on the snail.




Art Car Royal Can-you for sale


Fellow builder Greg Barron from Rideable Bicycle Replicas is getting ready to build a half scale size Frigate or Brigantine, a fully functional square rigged sailing vessel for next year and needs to clear out his present creation to make room and raise some money.  Greg  wanted to see if  he could make an art car sail since the La Contessa didn’t, nice concept but no functionality as a sailing vessel. It irritated him. The canoe concept was pretty basic and easy and it does sail under wind power alone, quite well in fact. The Can-you hit 16 mph this year up at the BR Yacht Club in a stiff breeze. New speed record and 9 people on deck too. Go sail a reach in silence and then bring it about, fire up the engine and motor back upwind. Repeat. Plus it’s nice to take  on a sunset sail. Can’t wait to see his new vessel and take a ride.


Contact Greg for more information if your interesting in buying the Royal Can-you


Greg Barron
Rideable Bicycle Replicas

Burning Man 2009

Burning Man

Pictures of our week


Kyrsten on her new Electrobite car. This was a huge hit.


What a rocket! the inside was just as nice and the fireworks we saw were over the top Zack!


Day before opening and they are still putting on the finishing touches. Zolie noticed the Monkey’s head didn’t work and impressed most people who didn’t even notice the monkey in the mans tummy.


The porch! We rolled with them most of the week and put on the 1st Steam punk rave Friday night after the rocket.

Pictures of the Steampunk Rave


Electrobite, Snail and the porch


Kids-ville with fresh cookies from the porch


Perez and Sarriugarte Family outing


Houston we have a problem!


DPW parade with a live band on top! We got 19 people in the snail at the end!


Quite the show. I really liked the scale of the Man this year. I hope it keeps getting smaller.


Camp Mates jump for Joy!


Snail Crew stops to enjoy the moon.


Oilpunk Rave with the Hobo Goblins, the Porch and us. John hooked us up with a wireless mic and the snail became the PA for the porch most the week. Thats our spot light as well.

The Raygun Gothic Moon Rover – S.C.O.U.T.

Fellow builder Tom Sepe who built the steampunk motorcycle I first saw at Maker Faire a few years back is on a new project that looks to be a lot of fun. I can’t wait to see it finished and driving on the playa. I can’t think of a better moonscape photo shoot! I got to see the 1980’s cassette deck by Pioneer he picked up for it, but the reference to vintage made me feel ..well..old. Now I wish I had a way to get the SS Alpha Fox out to the playa too. Anyone have a spare trailer and tow? 3728110979_f78ffe94ab

Concept Drawing

1 min Video of engine test:

Flickr page Photo Album

The Raygun Gothic Moon Rover – S.C.O.U.T. (Science Crew Operations and Utility Testbed version 1.0)
will serve as the transportation and service vehicle for the crew of the Raygun Gothic Rocketship a 40ft tall rocket being built in time for launch at Burning Man 2009. The SCOUT began life as a 1981 Honda Odyssey 1-seater dune buggy, but after some major frame modifications (PHASE 01), installation of a 125cc motorcycle engine (PHASE 02) and future addition of scientific instrumentation (audio/visual communications, utility and marker lights, auxiliary power generation and energy storage devices, onboard analog computer system, robotic arm, remote toolshed and intergalactic portal stabilizers), she will be ready anything the harsh environment of a semi-inhabitable planet can dish up. Oh yeah there will be a satellite dish too.
Currently the project is has been green-lighted for a fast track prototyping phase, with design and development occurring simultaneously and or efforts have been fruitful: on August 4th 2009, we successfully navigated the Rover around an entire city block, avoiding numerous obstacles including a speed bump, train tracks, a motorcycle officer and a Shipyard forklift. There are still improvements and fine tuning to be made to the drive train, however we are ready to move into PHASE 03 of adding the necessary auxiliary and support equipment. Deadline for completion: August 19th 2009, which gives us exactly 14 days!
Concept & Construction By Tom Sepe
Built with assistance from Phil “Peef” Sadow, Wayne Miller, Rachel Riggin, Tory Fink, Anna Bradley, Anton Belkins, and soon Greg Jones. Hopefully. and more to come…
A big shout out to Sean Orlando, David Shulman, Nathaniel Taylor and the rest of the Rocketship Crew for all the support!

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