The Serpents are growing and taking shape everyday. Lots of wonderful friends and new faces showed up to help Sunday and lots got done. Still needing skilled volunteers. Contact me if you have skills in metal fabrication, general fabrication, LED knowledge, soldering, Flash animation of LEDs. car stereo installation, sewing. For people with no workshop skills – be a gopher for hardware or food runs, help us organize and mail out rewards from our sure-to-be-successful kickstarter so we can keep moving forward… I’m sure I can think of more!
The kickstarter fundraiser is going well but we still need more than $4000 to get our funding! Please tell your friends, spam the world, pitch in a $25. Less than a week left and if we don’t fully fund we lose the $6000 we have already raised!
Pictures of our progress
past posts

The head begins to take shape. It looks incredible and I can’t wait to see it filled in with sheet metal.

Tansy and Kyrsten have been working hard to get the fins cut.
Me laying out the head on cardboard.
Posted Under:
art cars,
The Serpent Twins
This post was written by Form & Reform on June 27, 2011
Comments Off on Rising up to the support

In 1987 I founded Form & Reform a hand-forged furniture and accessories blacksmith shop. Steel, fire, glass, wood, and a passion for craft and excellence infuse every item we make. From the heat of the forges to the cool precision of our artisans, we endeavor to produce furniture of a quality that you would be proud to bequest to your children, and will last long enough to make the journey.

The mythological god Pan, a playful and mischievous character, had the torso of a man and the legs of a goat. The graceful and playful lines of these table legs made us think of him immediately. We use hammer and anvil to forge steel into these life like leg shapes, combine them with textured bar, and top them with 3/8” glass. Why not bring a touch of myth and mischief into your life?

A little old-fashioned with plenty of style, the Vera tables and shelves serve as great display pieces in groups or individually. The solid 3/4″ thick, ecologically sustainable, plantation-raised hardwood tops are a natural Cherry color and coated with a durable polyurethane specially created for restaurant use. You can find two of our popular shelving units, the Oval Shelf and Stand, in the Vera line as well as tables.
Take a moment to explore our product line, custom metal work I have made, and lighting we have done for homes and restaurants. If your interested please contact me for a quote, or to purchase one of my products directly.
510 444 7007 phone
510 444 8946 Fax
Hand Crafted Metal Lighting Fixtures

Here are some examples of custom metal lighting we have made for clients. These light fixtures are hand forged in our shop in West Oakland Ca.
We also have experience with LED lighting combined with old world ironwork. This combination is economical to run, gives off a wide spectrum of lighting colors and can still fit in with Old World styles.
Contact me if your interested in a quote or have an idea of what your after.
books at formandreform dot com
More Pictures

We just finished and installed this wonderful hand forged light fixture in a private home. It looked great installed and really completes the already great patio area. These blacksmith light fixtures are hand made in our shop by Hino and I. I start with the client’s napkin drawing, photo, or drawing of what they’re after, offer them different textures, then make a site visit to get the scale and feel of the room so the fixture will work with it.
We have been doing a lot of custom metal ceiling light fixtures for homes lately. I will start posting pictures as I get them photographed.
I started out my metalworking career designing and making furniture for my company Form & Reform. 20 plus years later I’m still selling those same timeless designs. I developed a method of forging pipe with a power hammer without crushing it and here is a wonderful example of simple, functional furniture by Me.

Cattail Candle Holder
Made of thick pipe and a solid metal base, this hand forged Cattail Candleholder will last for generations.
price includes shipping in USA
see in Napastyle’s catalog
Please contact me at:
Form & Reform 510 444 7007 or to place an order. I take visa, mastercard and cash.
More furniture I make

Well we are finally here. The Snail is a BIG hit and everyone loves it. Our DMV shifts helping people register their cars went so smooth and visiting with people there is one of the highlights of my trip. The dust is bad, but one of the best nights was riding around with Kyrsten and Merrilee on bikes and running into wonderful snapshots of playa life that faded away with the next brown out and rain. Everyone out seems happy and ghost like alive in their dusty best.

The Girls loved the snail. Merrilee has story time in it each afternoon.

Our camps round up of Art Cars.

Kyrsten and I dusty and happy burn night

Moths caught in our 500 watt spotlight. We’re having so much fun lighting up everything with it!


Morning on the playa

See you at home, back in West Oakland!
With the head now done it’s time to add a patina!
I posted more pictures here
When I have more time I’ll post about how we did the patina.

before (I hated to change it!)


After. Wow!
Power Tool Drag Races

The Big Wheel 15′ Drag racer built by myself a few years back took 1st place (design) at the races held at Ace Auto in SF. Alan and I both got a chance to race and we actually won a race! We strongly believe we lost the rest of the races due to the wind, uphill course, lack of quality 110v power, wrong t-shirt, lack of support form our sponsors, not enough NITROUS, no cheerleaders, too little red, white and blue, and the fact that we ran the bar. Next race we plan to incorporate more smoke in hopes no will notice were not really moving too fast. The fire behind our seat in the last race helped distract the attention away from the real winner significantly.
I’m really glad I have such great friends that put on such great events! Make sure to support these events by any means necessary!
Big thanks to John, Big Daddy, Hal, Katie Bell, the bands, the racers and especially to Charlie, and Puney.
The Bar raised a bunch of Money for Todd! Here is the next event for him.
More Picture
Scott Beale
More Lighting By Jon Sarriugarte

I made ceiling light fixtures, fire tools, cook grills and wall sconces for Alison and Russel several months ago and I got a chance to see some of it installed today.

Their new place is on the upper stretch of Grand Avenue in Oakland, Chez Panisse Cafe veteran chef and produce buyer Russell Moore has taken over the former Country Home Furniture store to open Camino (3917 Grand Ave.) which should open in the next few weeks. Camino’s cooking will be all about the fireplace — a huge, waist-high stone one that Moore plans to use for rustic dishes like lamb a la ficelle, baked fish and lots of stuff cooked in cazuelas, with pots of beans bubbling in the coals. It feels alot like the Basque boarding house eatery’s I grew up in with the long family style tables and open hearth kitchen. Allison Hopelain, Moore’s partner in life and Camino, will be general manager. In addition to her own small gardening business, Hopelain has worked at Quince, Bar Tartine and Zuni.
To keep up on the official opening date see:
More Fixtures
One of the 5′ lights I made
Family style seating
Russell preping pork
Small oven
Large open fireplace
Basque style family seating
Nice brick
Alison “Ready or Not”
Great Light